May 20Liked by Debbie Weil

1. Oh, yes. Far more of my writing time was spent revising than drafting.

2. Yesterday, while reading Calvin Trillin's latest book!

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Jenn, for me too it’s always a challenge to keep drafting/writing… before starting to revise!

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Very inspiring! And I also start the day with Wordle and Connections, but in a different order! Maybe it's because I live in Sweden under the Arctic Circle and the energies are reversed or something...

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May 19Liked by Debbie Weil

Great interview! Ramona is an inspiration!

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I don't often laugh when I am alone, although it can happen, but I laugh every day - indeed, more frequently than that – as my husband and I just make each other laugh constantly. I highly recommend laughter as good for everything (I believe there is research that says so, but I couldn't cite it,)

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A small afterthought of an apology to Ramona if I was insensitive. I'm not sure of the etiquette of these things, but the one line that stuck out to me in that interview was her missing her husband 'terribly', which I can so understand. I wondered if I should have mentioned laughing each day with mine. As I said in my Q&A with Debbie, it was one of those things that is bound to happen to one of us – aged 82 and 83 – but one we both fear. Ramona sounds like she is coping well and that's great. I wish her well in her new environment.

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Ann, I don’t think this was insensitive. We all understand the situation.

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I tinker with what I write all the time. It is a rare moment that i can read through an entire piece without 'tweaking' (my word of choice) it. You will sometimes find me tweaking a post ten minutes before it is sent out (which has a certain thrill, because if you screw up – which I haven't yet – you will be sending out an unfinished piece).

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I love reading everything Romona writes, so when I saw you had interviewed her, I popped on over to read what the two of you talked about.

Your interview allowed me to discover you. I love your Substack title! I like to think I’m both bold and old myself. Although, I don’t think of myself as old, but the calendar doesn’t lie. Thanks for writing. I’ll be reading.

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oh Sally, you’ve made my day!

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Love this Ramona…getting to know you better! Rewriting is my favorite too… playing with words and, as you say…making it more convo-ish as if chatting over coffee or wine! 😅What a fabulous outlook you have, my friend…helps me handle eighty better. Thank you for doing this. Debbie…great interview! Great choice! 🥰🙌👍🫶

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Thank you Ramona and Debbie for this great interview. You ask if I tinker with pieces I write? Yes, far too much. It’s one of my goals to get faster with my writing and editing because it’s very bulky and time consuming the way I currently do it.

I appreciate seeing this interview as it reminded me I haven’t had a post from Ramona hit my inbox in ages. Given I’m a paid subscriber this is suspicious! I will investigate if there’s a glitch in my delivery.

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Hi, Ramona! I too laugh in empty rooms, often at something I’ve written. The laughter makes up for the hours of frustration when I ask myself, “Where is this piece going and what’s about, anyway?” I wish you joyous writing in your new workspace.

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Rona, I can picture you!

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May 17Liked by Debbie Weil

Debbie, finally a place for older women to post thoughts fears and moments of reflection☺️

Although numbers age me at 75 and occasionally I ache every digit… but my actions and creative energy keep me happily doing what I like when I want.

I was a widow at the age of 39 alone with two girls age 5 and 7. As you can imagine I had little time to dwell on sadness it was important to be strong and honest for the wellbeing of my children. My daughter’s today are strong balanced well educated moms nurturing their own families. I like to think I planted the seeds for their roots to grow☺️

I’ve never liked big cities, tried living in one but quickly left as the chaos stifled my creativity. I raised my girls in the small Norwegian village my husband grew up in… relocating was a difficult decision to be sure as I’m an American but this move opened a door that charted our life of adventure languages history and happiness.

With the ease of knowing my family is secure and I am alone after leaving an unhealthy long term relationship, I’ve decided to illustrate and write my next chapter in the historic village of Magalas France… stay tuned🥂

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May 17·edited May 17Liked by Debbie Weil

Debbie, thank you so much for including me in your list of interviews. I'm in such great company and I love how it turned out. You're so good at this! ❤️

You asked me to tell you more about my move to the city. So far it's overwhelming and a lot of work, but I'm slowly getting used to calling this place 'home', and I'm still working on getting my office the way I want it. It's going to have to 'feel' right, and right now it doesn't. I'll be writing more about this move at both of my blogs this week. I hope!

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Great interview! And I loved this: "The ‘junk’ is the base. The rest is the art." So well expressed.

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