[B]OLD AGE with Debbie Weil
[B]OLD AGE With Debbie Weil
Podcast Finale: Debbie & Sam Reflect on Five Years of Podcasting and Ten Gap Years

Podcast Finale: Debbie & Sam Reflect on Five Years of Podcasting and Ten Gap Years

After 120 episodes, it was time to end the [B]old Age podcast.

Episode Notes

Today is a special episode because, after five years and 120 episodes, the [B]old Age podcast is ending. You’ll hear why in this episode. Debbie and her husband,

, talk about why it’s time for a finale, about getting old, about legacy (and how it’s different for the two of them, right now), about their life during the past decade, how it's changing even now (they're both 72), and about what lies ahead, at least creatively.  Frankly, Debbie doesn't sound very happy in this episode, but that’s because this has been a hard decision. Debbie thinks it’s the right one; Sam needs convincing. 

But there is some good news!

Debbie is continuing to explore the topic of [b]old age on Substack where she writes essays, host Q&A’s, and has created a lively community of [b]old women writers, in their 60s, 70s, and 80s. And some younger women too. She invites you to join her on Substack! It's more interactive than the podcast, you'll get to know other subscribers in the Comments, and you can offer your own take on the topic of what it's really like to get old and why it requires [b]oldness.

Endings are always bittersweet but podcast listeners have access to 120 past episodes of [B]old Age on Apple or wherever you listen to podcasts. 

Mentioned in this episode or useful:

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[B]OLD AGE with Debbie Weil
[B]OLD AGE With Debbie Weil
A podcast about [b]oldly moving from midlife to old age in a society that devalues and/or misunderstands old people. Debbie interviews authors, experts, and exceptional individuals. Now in their early 70s, she and her husband, physician author Sam Harrington, have been exploring an un-retired life for the past decade on an island off the coast of Maine. LISTEN HERE OR ON APPLE PODCASTS.